About Us

Greater Promise was founded on the belief that every student has the ability to learn. 

At our educational experience, we focus on nurturing exceptional individuals. With strong family involvement and a touch of love, our students are poised for success. We firmly believe in the sayings, "Teamwork makes the dream work" and "It takes a village to raise a child." Together, we forge a path to success, supported by partners like the Donald Deneil Harrison Scholarship Foundation. This foundation promotes scholarship through giveaways, financial aid for academic support, stipends for deserving students, and scholarships for graduating seniors entering 4-year universities. We're all in this together—let us be part of your village!

Our mission is to equip students not only for success during their time with us but also for their future independence in the classroom. It's incredibly gratifying to see our students develop into leaders within their schools and beyond.

Over the past decade, our dedicated staff has guided countless students to improve their study habits, comprehension, and test-taking skills. As a result, they've achieved higher test scores, better grades, and a significant boost in self-esteem and confidence. We take pride in celebrating these victories alongside our students!

The Greater Promise Impact

Greater Promise guarantees that your child will make strides in the right direction.  Gone will be the feeling of drowning among a class of 27.  Each lesson will build from the previous lesson as well as coincide with what is currently taking place in the classroom. 

​​Greater Promise will work tirelessly to:

Contact Us

Phone: (919)358-9252  Email: elitelearning2015@gmail.com